Thursday 8 November 2012

☆.Mixed Chicks UK Launch.☆

A couple weeks back I had the privilege of attending the Mixed Chicks UK launch party with one of my girls/family in central London.

It was a night of cocktails, cupcakes oh and hair care too...

Us with the founders Wendi Levy & Kim Etheredge

About the Mixed Chicks Line:

'For years, multi-cultural people with hard to manage hair traveled from store to store, trying to blend products in a hopeless attempt to tame their locks. Wendi LEVY (left) and Kim ETHEREDGE (right), two "mixed chicks", created a product line because they needed it. Then, something happened...friends and family started encouraging them to package it, and soon they had a full blown business running out of the garage. After a little door to door hustling, a few celebrity endorsements, and a ton of online customer support, MIXED CHICKS is bringing their products to the world.'

We also ran into a few celebs on the night...

Me and Javine Hylton
Me and Lisa Maffia (So Solid Crew)

I used to listen to her so much back in my 'garage' days lol, she was soo nice!

Of course it wouldn't be a launch if we didn't leave with a goody bag, I was so excited to receive the Mixed Chicks line in FULL sizes (not just samples). Even though I'm not a mixed "chick" this line is definitely good for all types of hair..

I put these products to good use on my wash day and can I just say i L.O.V.E the deep conditioner and shampoo!

All in all was a great night!
Until next time guys...Peace & God bless


  1. gurl im so jelly with all this hair events happening in the uk
    theres none here in ireland :(
    you all glowing :d

    1. Same here in Scotland! am done complaining

    2. hahah its so frustrating
      ii go into the normal afro shop nd ask for eco styler nd dey r like enh!!! i just say neva mind nd go hahah

  2. Lolll....I see an opportunity for both of you...Just start stocking natural and mixed chick hair them or something and create an opportunity for yourselves and others if you have the time.

    1. Thats soo true they should start something up

  3. My mother uses there products they are very nice


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