Friday 16 November 2012

☆.Versatile Blogger Award- Thanks Trudie & Kiwi =].☆

So I have been meaning to do this post for a while now, a few weeks back I was nominated for this award by a fellow blogger Kiwi and then a couple of days ago was also nominated by trudie from moi meme so thank you so much girls! 

So here are the rules

  1. Thank the Blogger that nominated me.
  2. Share 7 Random Facts about myself.
  3. Nominate 10 fellow Bloggers.
  4. Let nominated blogger know that they have been nominated
  5. Add the Versatile Award to my post.
Random Facts
1. I can do the splits
2. I don't chew gum ewww
3. I loveee to cook
4. I write songs/sing in my spare time
5. My dream is to be a top Nollywood movie director/scripwriter releasing QUALITY films lol =]
6.Im the youngest of 5
7. I'm obsessed with the colour YELLOW! =] 

I would like to nominate
Sunday Bella

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!
    This award is well deserved, you have a great blog, never know what's going to come next because you are so diverse! And thank you for the nom, so cool! x


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