Monday 10 June 2013

☆.An 'Ajebors' Camp Experience...(Pics & Vid).☆

My dear readers I ask for your forgiveness I know I have not posted in a while, I blame the Nigerian internet tbh but hey I'm back! Let me share with you some pics from my Camp in Oyo state and a video of my experience.

First of all let me say that I truly did enjoy my camp experience overall I would rate it 7/10! I think the reason I enjoyed the experience the most is because of the kind of personality I have, I enjoy trying different things and making the most out of every situation....but camp is definitely NOT for everyone lol!

A few things I didn't mention in the vid:

1- They did not expect us to use the toilet shown, we had pits outside. (lol not any better right)

2- We also had training for different skills (SAED) e.g/ Cooking, Craft work, Computing etc.

She just won the Indomie dancing competition :D

Excuse the FILTHY Whites but we had to get down and dirty...'Man-O-War'

My volleyball team..we cam 3rd Woop Woop!

Some sites I visited before going to camp that REALLY helped me prepare myself:

NYSC Guide for Foreign Otondos
Surviving Camp for The Ladies
20 Things To Take To Camp
20 Things You Should Know Before Camp
Orientation Camp Basics

Until next time guys...Peace & God Bless..


  1. Omg....been wondering where you've been...God is so good ...i'm also going for mine soon...:'( been wondering how am gonna cope.....because am a verytoilet concious person...haha...I've been thinking in my bed how am I gonna do it and all and to even add salt to the injury, it's even worse cos ve not been home in the past 6yrs..storyofmylife*lool (Lord help me)....I'm glad you enjoyed your camp tho and happy to see u bk :d miss u x (thanks thanks a bunch for the links ) will check them all & prepare myself xx

    1. My luuuv!! Yes He certainly has because he kept me! Really aww what batch? You will do just fine hun go there with a positive mindset and be will meet plenty new people! Aww hun i'll be in Naija so we DEFO have to meet up holla @ me anytime. Email me your number when you get to Naij

      P.S Ive missed u 2 girl!! x x God bless u! x

    2. Aww..Thanks hun...will def hit you up..should be going wiv d Nov batch haha(dnt kno if dt sounds right lol) anyways, will deff get in touch..missed u too gal xx


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