Wednesday 24 October 2012

☆.Your Future Is Bright!.☆

Be encouraged people!! Saying this out loud gives you so much confidence and hope in the plans the Lord has for you! Do not be discouraged because He's plans our for our good and not to harm us, things may be hard right now but He is preparing you for something great!!

I'm just so excited that I had to share this, sometimes we read scriptures or we think we know them but there is just something about saying it out loud and meditating on it, its just refreshing. You should try it!!

Stay blessed people, blessings favor and prosperity your way!

Until Next time guys, God bless!


  1. Saying it out and telling yourself is how your soul truly accepts and is affected by it.Faith comes by hearing.Sometimes we need these little promptings.Thank you for that.xx


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