Sunday 23 September 2012

☆.Press Forward - Testimony Time!.☆

Hey guys first of all I want to wish you all a happy Sunday, i've come to just encourage you out there whilst sharing this little testimony. I realise that there is so much that I don't share with you guys simply because I feel that no one will care but God has been speaking to me a lot lately and I pray this touches the person it is meant to touch. I also use this entry to vow to be more open with you guys as I realise the whole purpose of my blog is to shine the light that Jesus gave me so from this day on I make a change! :D

Background story:
So for the past couple of months I have been feeling very discouraged in life generally, as some of you may know I recently graduated from uni in July and since then I just felt like my life was not going in the direction that I'd wanted it to. I slowly noticed myself becoming less motivated and my whole personality changing. The thing with me is that I am very good at keeping things in (this is a major problem I deal with) so everyone around me assumes that I am ok when infact that is not the case as my walk with God began to crumble.. 
Now first of all let me say that I know this feeling was not completely of me as I had been experiences a lot of spiritual attacks prior to this (thats for another post :)) so I knew that prayer was key but I just didn't know how...

This week:
I began to force myself to pray even when I didn't know how or what to even say, most times i'd just cry and get up and continue about my day. I'd pray for a new outlook on life, I'd pray for encouragement, I'd pray for a rejuvenation in my spirit. He answered...let me tell you guys prayer can change things its just persistence that we need, even if we just repeat the same thing everyday He hears us. Out of nowhere I found myself completing tasks that I set for myself months back and feeling positive about months to come, I am not saying I am completely free from how I used to feel but I definitely feel like I am on that journey back to how I used to be..

I believe everyone has there way of communicating with God, some through talking, some whilst they sleep, others through writing...well mine is through singing. Somewhere in these past couple of months I lost touch with my communication with God, I would pray but my mind would be filled with other thoughts and I knew that something had to change.....So this morning I got up and played some songs by William Mcdowells...
I began with  'Closer/wrap me in your arms'

then 'I Won't Go Back'

and finished off with 'Place of Worship' (this one really set me off)

I just began to praise him and let him have his way in me, there was no prayer needed, He knew everything I wanted to tell him in my soul. 
So I also wanted to encourage you guys to find your way of communicating with God, it is definitely needed.

Hopefully you guys can understand what I was trying to share with you today, and I just pray that you are encouraged. Feel free to drop a comment or even e-mail me if you've been touched by this post...

 ' Provers 21:17  As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. '

P.s there will be updates to come...

Until next time guys...Peace & God bless


  1. :)
    i smile as i write dis because
    like you i have lost communication with my God
    I use to communicate with him but in the past months it just hasn't been there
    the only way i fell so at ease and comfortable is by praises prayer is the key but the praise is the food Gods want in my opinion.
    Hun keep praying and worshipping the lord he will continue to be your strength in all things and always keep faith i try to do daat my self.hehe
    good post... :)



    1. Ahh sis i'm so glad you can understand where i am coming from!
      I pray the Lord continues to strengthen you and encourage you just as you have encouraged me!
      thanks luvlie stay blessed!

  2. Hi there,
    Really glad I found your blog. I just have to encourage you to be strong, you've come too far to turn back now and God is not through with you yet. Consider this time in your life the 'under construction' chapter.

    You seem like such a sweet, fun person with a dear tender heart.

    How was your trip to NYC? (My home)
    Eve from

    1. Hi Eve!
      I do really appreciate your encouraging words I love that hehe the 'under construction' chapter I will definitely bare that in mind.
      I am still there as a matter of fact but i'll be leaving tomorrow :(....didn't have enough time to meet up with anyone such a shame! Would love to meet next time I'm around..
      Stay blessed! x

  3. Heya!Lovely blog btw.

    Lets just say i can relate with you as well ...recently graduated also in may and everything not going my way tend to be frustrating but one thing that have kept me going is that God has brought me this far and will take me further the same for you. For the plan He has for you is beyond any human ability to understand and also in His time everything will fall in place. In the meantime there is a song with a line "While you are waiting on your miracle (blessings, healings, breakthroughs) give Him the highest praise. " Praise sure does move mountains. Remain bless miss

    S-Bella -

    1. Hey! Thank you :)

      Amen I certainly believe as well hun. I am truly thankful for you encouraging words!

      Remain blessed! x

  4. Follaaaaaaaaaa My dear!! Testimony for a season, and i pray that the good work God has started in you he will bring it to a successful end. Be encouraged sis xx

    1. Esther sweets I know right luv!! Amen hun I pray so too thank you :) x

  5. Wow very encouraging its interesting to see it from that point of view thanks!

    Anytime hun you are definitely not alone! God bless u x


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