Monday 16 January 2012

☆.Recipe: Follyfo's BanNut Smoothie.☆

So guys, you may or may not know but i looooveeee to cook and experiment with different things I just haven't had time to show you guys what i get up to. Well I have been on a recent smoothie craze making smoothies here and there and came up with my own version of a Banana and peanut butter smoothie which I call 'Follyfo's BanNut Smoothie' (Yeah im cool i know ;) lol).
Its a quick simple recipe and for those of you that like smoothies you should definitely try it out!

Ingredients: (Makes approx. 2 cups.)
 ☆ Bannanas
 ☆ Honey
 ☆ Natural  Greek Yoghurt
 ☆ Juice of your choice ( I used Tropical)
☆ Peanut Butter

1. Add half a cup of Tropical Juice into your smoothie maker (or a blender if you don't have a smoothie maker).

2. Add 4 Tablespoons of Yoghurt and 2 Tablespoons of honey.

3. Add your Banana cut into chunks

 4. Finally add 4 tablespoons of Peanut butter and Blend!

And Voila you are done!
Serve it up and enjoy your smoothie :D! Hopefully I will be showing you guys more complex recipes in the future,

Anyways until next time...Peace & God bless


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